The number of plants actually used in each of the plantings is adjustable according to the size of your front yard. You can use half of the recommendations for a small front hard, or double it for a large one. Adjust the numbers of plants accordingly, and feel free to substitute your own colors or favorite plants of the same size and choose appropriate plants for your zone.

Vining plants should be on trellises, either free-standing or attached to a structure. Honeysuckle and Morning Glory is best planted in pots and attached to trellises, because they are overly-zealous, and some will overgrow their bounds, if not controlled or steadfastly pruned. Place ornamental garden decor, bird feeders and architectural elements wherever you like.

A birdbath is a beautiful focal point on both sides of the garden, in the areas that you plant the butterfly bushes. This garden design is a natural for a butterfly and bird habitat, and will attract our vanishing pollinators.

The plants and herbs listed may be planted in-ground or in pretty pots and planters in each area. Or you can use a combination of both.

If you don't already have a path to your front door, just add stepping stones or a painted cedar garden path. Natural wood slatted paths are available at garden suppliers online (they come in 6-8 ft. lengths, and can be left outside or rolled up and stored) or lay down light-colored gravel, paver stones, or cedar planks as a divider for the two sides of the garden. 

Note: i've had the basis for this re-design plan in my files for more than 15 years. 
I don't have any information as to where the info came from, originally.

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