Non-Chemical Pest Control
Beneficial Garden Insects
- The Good Guys

Ladybugs larvae and
adults feed on aphids, mealy bugs, soft scales and spider mites. I'm going to
purchase the larvae and disperse throughout my gardens.
Lacewings I'm
buying these larvae as well. Laravae voraciously devour aphids, scales,
mealybugs, thrips, leafhoppers, mites, insect eggs and larva. Lacewings can eat
more than 100 bad bugs a day.
Ground beetles eats
aphids, snails, bark beetle larvae
Dragonflies catches
the flying bad bugs
Dwarf Spiders - get the
prey on the ground - I still detest spiders, as helpful as they might be.
Minute Pirate Bug Eats
aphids, thrip, spider mites and insect eggs.
Assassin Bug - holds
it's prey and then goodbye bad bug. i find them scary looking.
Damsel Bugs eats
aphids, mites, caterpillars, thrips.
Big-eyed Bugs
Distinctive bulging eyes. Feeds on caterpillars, spider mites, flea beetles and
Syrphid Flies some
are colored like a bee. Larvae feed on aphids, scales and caterpillars. Can eat
sixty aphids each day. Yum.
Praying Mantis (walking sticks) grabs
and devours. I used to see so many when i was a child, even in the city. I see a
few pairs a year.. and yes, very scary looking. There may be more than i think,
since my eyesight is bad and their cammoflage is excellent.
Spined Soldier Bug
These are
insects that lay eggs in, on or around other insects so that the larva that
hatches can eat the
Wasps - I
don't like them, but they do get rid of bad bugs. Stingless, the parasitic wasps
lay eggs near, or deposited into the body of living bugs.
flies - i still instinctively swat flies. Tachinids lay
eggs on the bodies of caterpillars. When the eggs hatch, the maggots (yuck)
burrow into the insect and eat it from the inside out.

Gardening With Diatomaceous
About a decade ago, I had a problem with Carpenter Bees
drilling holes under my deck railings. I'm a bee lover, and it causes me
pain to need to eliminate them. But damage is expensive. And after
trying all the natural and humane ways of ridding myself of the pests,
and "beeing" chased by the queen's aggressive bodyguards
always in the main thoroughfare, I had to do something. The bodyguards
hover and zoom into your path like crazed, buzzing mini-helicopters.
They don't sting, but most folks don't know or care about that when they
come upon them. The queen can sting if provoked.
I wasn't familiar with the Carpenter Bee and didn't pay
much attention until it did damage. Which was hard to spot without
searching, because I saw bees, but didn't see they were building condos
under deck railings. They looked like bumblebees to me.
Unfinished or weathered wood attracts carpenter bees.
They don't eat wood, but they quickly bore into wood to make tunnels to
use as their nests. They like decks, eaves, siding and porches. Bee
adults use their nests over the winter and pop back out in the spring.
If unnoticed and left to their own devices, they will continue to use
and expand the same tunnels or find new ones nearby. Can't have that.
First shot at it was waiting til Queenie left her
hideaway, and fill the hole so that she couldn't return. But that only
made her find other places to drill holes to start a tunnel to use to
breed baby carpenters. I needed a non-chemical, but quick working
eliminator due to the destruction that was happening seemingly
overnight. I researched until I came across Diatomaceous Earth. I
learned about it, then I got the type that has a squeeze applicator for
the dust. It worked almost immediately. I also use it as a
fungucide/pesticide on my trees, because it sticks so well to the
surfaces and lasts.
So, what is Diatomaceous Earth, you might ask....
DE for short, is a natural substance found as lakebed
deposits. It is made up of fossilized remains of plankton and such. It
contains silica from shells of microscopic oranisms. Therefore, it's
The microscopic silica shards are like teeny little knives. Diatomaceous
earth is non-toxic as a pesticide. And I have found that it works
somewhat on fungus types residually. Beats me why.
It works on all insects that crawl on plants because
contact with the powder is extremely dehydrating. It won't harm flying
things unless they land on/in it. So my direct hit method shooting the
stuff into Queenie's tunnel entrance hole worked immediately, and no
bees pollinating the garden were harmed during the process. I had no
other choice but chemical, which I will not use. Therefore, I feel no
I purchased a bag of food grade DE on Amazon at a good
price, and it comes with a plastic accordion squeeze container with a
long tip for accuracy. It goes a long way. It's non-toxic, and the food
grade can be used right up until harvests. It easily washes off. It
shoots the powder as directed, without blowing back into your face. But
do check wind direction when using. Best used on a windless day. It's
not a dust you want to inhale. The powder sticks very well. I still have
some on a surface of a tree weeks after heavy rain. But sometimes, it
will wash off and have to be re-applied, if necessary. I have found it
very effective against anything that crawls into/over it. The pest
becomes dehydrated and croaks. Shot directly into it's hideyhole or
nest, it makes quick, clean work of it.
I've had success with it on aphids on closed rosebuds
and ants burrowing under my ornamental grasses. It can be, but I won't
use it, on any pollinator plant flowers or leaves to protect my bees and
I heard that you can apply it in a circle around plants
to keep the slimy slugs away from crops and flowering plants. When their
slimy bodies come into contact with the powder, the silica inflicts tiny
cuts in whatever you call their skin, and the dehydrating effect of the
powder causes them to lose too much fluid. After a couple of sneaky
nocturnal visits to your garden, it's R.I.P.
Hydrogen Peroxide. A
Hydrogen Peroxide in The Garden..... Who knew?
After a nasty infection of I'm-not -Sure-What on my ornamental cherry
tree, my choices were to either cut it down, dig it up and burn it, or
try home remedies before the disease could spread. I opted for a
combination of 4 things in tandem. 3% Hydrogen Peroxide was one part of
that course of treatment. It appeared to perhaps be a fungus killing the
tree from the inside out. After successfully eliminating, or at least
controlling, whatever it was, the tree is healthy with lots of new
growth where it's been cut back, and no ugly deformities present on the
I have found success with hydrogen peroxide in many uses in the
garden over the years, but I never really took it seriously until
H202 is environmentally safe, and occurs naturally in rain.
And it is quite inexpensive. The "garden variety" (so to
speak) 3% strength costs about $1.25 and can found just about everywhere
you shop.
Be aware that if you use a peroxide solution of more than that
percentage, it has a way different effect.
A 10% solution is a good weed killer. And it will definitely kill your
prized plants, as well.
In my recent gardening experiences, I soaked plants with this solution
around roots to destroy spores and such. I spray entire plants with a
solution of 1 teaspoon of peroxide per cup of water in a spray bottle. I
usually make a half gallon and pour it into bottles for spraying and
general use. That would be 1 cup of peroxide mixed into ½ gallon of
In potted plants, if I suspect a fungus is among us, I water the plants
until water runs out of the drainage holes, probably 3x per week until
my plants are smiling again.. Hydrogen Peroxide will naturally break
down and become plain old water.
My plants enjoy the solution watered at the roots in early morning or
evening (don't do it during the heat and full sun during the day). I've
noticed better health and growth doing it occasionally, not as just a
medicinal cure for ailments. It boosts the oxygen level of the soil.
My peonies are a source of pride, but a source of aggravation during
the summer after they bloom, when I seem to be cursed with powdery
mildew. I spray the leaves to get rid of it. Along with any aphids who
wander in. It's a good pesticide, too.
To make a spray to combat powdery mildew, mix 1 tablespoons peroxide
per 1 cup of water.
If you haven't yet experienced or been tortured by powdery mildew in
your garden, it will be easy to spot. It would appear as though you
coated the leaves of your plants in flour. Some plants are more
susceptible to it than others.
Note: I have not found it effective in curing the cursed tomato
blight. It may work as a preventative for early blight, but I haven't
had to deal with that issue as yet.
Remember to wear rubber gloves when handling hydrogen peroxide, and
if you wish to store some mixed solution, store it out of sunlight to
keep it from breaking down. As I mentioned, it eventually breaks down
into plain old water. Sunlight will make that process occur much
quicker. You may end up spraying what you think is a stored peroxide
solution, but is only bottles of plain water.
Part 2 - Neem
Natural Fertilizers