Within my garden is a quiet,
not-so-secret garden where faeries, sprites and all manner of wee folk dwell among the
flowers and trees, in harmony with the birds and
Be Faeries Here. And elves, nymphs, sprites, tree men, and pixies.
fairies are said to sleep in foxglove's bell-shaped flowers, and wear
them as gloves.Thyme is also thought to be a
favorite of fairies. Photos will show them in my lemon thyme beds. Bluebells are also enjoyed. Legend has it that they
ring the bluebells to call a meeting. Large flowered plants are
said to be used as parasols or upside down to catch dew and bathe in.
Any plant that attracts butterflies, bees and hummingbirds are a
favorite. Fairies
are said to be close to these pretty garden creatures. It is said that
they also love Pansies, Bee Balm, (of which i have all over
the gardens...Foxglove, Sunflowers (birds love
the seeds). Nasturtium, Columbine, Tulip, Snapdragon, Cosmos, and Violets. The idea
for this garden always began with
my fondness for Tolkien and The Hobbits, and the trilogy of movies. II
wanted my gardens to be a place that the wee folk and guardians would
dwell in peace and beauty. Naturally, there are faeries, pixies, and i
added a wee pool of water nearby for baby mermaid beings. I had much of
the elements I needed. Moss, stones, petrified wood, driftwood and
branches. And the plants to make their hiding places and playgrounds.
Naturally, there are Tree Folk, and a baby dragon or two. Their
dwellings are outfitted with solar lights in their windows, and the
village glows softly at night. Jars of solar fairy lights light
the way. Birds visit and watch over the village in the daytime, as well.
I'm having trouble finding elf residents that resemble Tolkien's elves,
not Santa's working elves.... but I WILL find them.
I enjoyed weaving natural
materials and my houseplants into the magical landscape. Here are the photos of some of the spirit world elements i used, as well as parts of
the layout i designed to keep the wee folk happy in my gardens. I will
add little enclaves in other nooks of the gardens. Once you begin a wee village, it just keeps building itself in your head until you
make it happen. It's a place that always makes me smile, and it coaxes
out the little girl with the head
full of fairytales outside to play, or to sit near it and watch it glow
in the evenings.
Below are
the residents and decorative elements I've used so far, and their placement within the
understand Nature folklore and help with your garden design and
gardening intentions,
be sure to visit the Garden
and Nature Folklore page.
gallery contains thumbnails of the large photographs. Just click the
little images to open up the large image.
Photographs are copyrighted and are not to be copied, print-screened
or downloaded.