Most gardeners
concentrate on the important things, and forget about those little
wonderful things....
We choose plants by the show they put on, planting zones, colors,
heights, long-bloomtimes and eas of care. If we're designing a theme
garden, there are those variables. But we overlook
that very important feature of their garden that is sometimes an
afterthought. The garden's fragrance.
A fragrance garden is tailored to be a delight not only to the eyes, but
also the nose of the beholder.
Which is most often you, dear gardener. Your nose knows the difference.
Of course, some folks might not want a
fragrant garden. Or avoid fragrance in their homes from their cut flowers, due
to the allergies of others. That would be impossible for me to fathom,
as a compulsive flower gardener. The flowers and foliage I choose, for
the purposes i expect them to fulfill, such as in the habitat gardens,
are naturally of the highly fragrant types of flowers and herbs. If you
have allergies to fragrances of flowers, this garden design is
definitely not for your indoor environment as cut flowers.
I consider this as a must-have..... A
garden seat or stool or bench, (I have several) placed in nooks or
seating areas that will surround you with fragrance. Especially during
mornings and evenings. That's when my garden smells it's perfumey best.
If you live in an area where you get to experience dew.... that's the
time i like best. Lots of flowers smell their best early morning and at
night. Some smell their best during droughts, when their leaves and
stems have a concentrated amount of perfume in them. Don't croak them
off by letting them die of thirst, but don't panic if a few less fragrant
evenings go by.
I have a few seating areas, and
coincidentally, since i grow pollinator gardens, there's a lot of
fragrance naturally going on to attract them. I always think of
fragrance when i plant new flowers. Not just fragrant flowers, but
fragrant foliage, as well. I started studying floral and herbal
fragrance when i realized that some flowers have a scent so potently
awful, i can't stand being anywhere near them. For instance, i will not
get within a yard of marigolds. I figure that since they repel bugs, i'm
probably not going to enjoy their aroma. I prefer the sweet or spicy
fragrances. Alone or together. These preferences are clear in the
perfumes i wear, the candles and incense i burn, and the fragrant soaps
I use. I include herbals here because some of the flowers smell
wonderful, and the oils in the herb foliage and stems themselves are a
treat. So.... i use other means of repelling bugs, because the smell
repels me, too.
this free garden design plan in .pdf format. Just click the pic.
This fragrant garden
includes a variety of plants blooming
from spring until fall. Garden size: 22 by 6 feet

What fragrance would you like to enjoy
while relaxing in the garden in the evenings, or dining al fresco in a
garden nook? What fragrance would soothe you at the end of a stressful
day? What fragrance would be the second favorite aroma that you want to
sniff when you take your first cup of offee out on the patio in the
morning? Also important is what fragrance would be amazing in different
rooms in your home in vases. What herbs would you like around you while
you work in the kitchen?
If you have a serenity or zen
garden, you'll want to enjoy the fragrance of those beautiful
peonies, lilies and irises. If you have a butterfly/pollinator garden,
you know that what attracts those beauties to your garden isn't how
pretty the flowers are. It's the heady fragrances that they can't
resist. Not only from the flowers, but the scents of leaves as well. One
of the favorites of butterflies is Bee Balm (Monarda). I love the scent
of the leaves and stems more than the floral scent. I can't describe it,
except to say it has a very pleasant earthy type of herbal smell. The
scent is familiar, and is always on the tip of my tongue, but i haven't
yet figured out how to describe it. When i divide the plant, I purposely
don't wear gloves. it's not at all a chore for me. It's aromatherapy.
My kitchen herb garden is on the path
from my kitchen to the patio, and it gets my appetite and culinary
skills going. But i also love to just sit on the patio and smell the
lemon sages, lemongrass, lemon verbenas and lemon thymes. i'm obviously
drawn to a lemon scent. I use a lot of it in my cooking, and i like to
infuse it in oil when i have a lot of harvest. It's perennial, so it
will always be there waiting for me to pass by during the summer. If you
grow the groundcover thymes in walkways and between stones, your walk
will be fragrant. Thyme likes being walked on, and when those oils are
released, the aroma is wonderful.
Besides growing the fragrant plants
in-ground, your fragrance garden can be portable and compact, as well,
if you use pretty containers and grow
vines and shrubs in pots. Snuggle fragrant herbs around the edges of
your pots, near your seating areas, decks, terraces or patios. Let them
tumble from windowboxes. Trellises and fragrant vines are made for each
other, and the possibilities for growing a lot of them in small spaces
is a gift from the garden gods. Trust Me. Let them laze around on the
fence behind where you sit, on arbors or just happily trailing along
open spaces, there's a fragrance to be enjoyed in any part of your
Fragrant plants (flowers
and foliage) that I grow in my garden:
Check the USDA hardiness zone map for those fragrant flowers and trees
that will thrive in your area. I have successfully grown many of these in
zones 5, 6
Peonies (shown in the photo at
the top of this page). An amazing and addictive, sweet scent. They bloom
for a couple of weeks, but there's no mistaking their bloom time. I love
them in my zen and Asian gardens. Before
they bloom, they have large, round flower buds that look pretty among the
foliage and flowers.
Lilies of all types and sizes,
but the most fragrant and strongest grower in my garden is the Stargazer
Lily. It's called that for a reason. The flower sometimes seems to tilt
its head up slightly, like it's gazing at the stars. It now comes in
various types and sizes. The taller ones can reach 4-6 feet, and will need
to be staked. I have a lot of them. I perform that little chore on a cool
early evening, with my white picket fence as a backdrop, tall green steel
garden stakes behind the stems, and green string around the stems, or i'll
use white butcher's twine around the pickets in the front yard, and pull
the plant up that way. |
Weed (milkweed). Pretty flowers and a sweet,
warm fragrance. This becomes tall and spreads. Best to grow it in
containers if you're not planting a large plot. Bees and butterflies can't
resist it. Actually, all manner of pollinators visit it all day. |

Lots of roses - "Peace", "Knockout", Julia
Child, "Ebb Tide"
and climbing. I choose the fragrance first, color second.
Some rose varieties do not have much of an aroma. |
Irises - i have tall and medium
re-blooming irises.
White, purple and ruby
lilacs shrubs that i train into little trees.
several varieties of bee balm, hosta,
sweetspire, summersweet, hydrangea, creeping phlox
Hyacinths bloom early, and their clustered
flower scents the the whole front yard. It smells a little like sugared
berries and vanilla.
Potted wisteria trees
sweet pea, alyssum
Herbs - lemon thyme, lemon sage, lemon verbena, rosemary, basil
Some plants are more fragrant
in the evening than they are during the day. Those are the ones planted
closest to where I sit at those times.
I have planted several
varities of honeysuckle this season, that are learning to climb on
trellises in pots, and along my fences and porch posts. So many varieties
and some dwarf types. There's a honeysuckle for everyone, for almost
anywhere. I will not allow a honeysuckle to grow in open ground, as some
will definitely become quite invasive if not kept in check. If i had a
rambling acreage, i would plant them all over. For now, they have work to
do to cover trellises and unsightly walls, an arbor, and porch posts
beautifully. Mine are varied in bloom time and size. But they're all under
my control. Before i grew my own, I could smell a large abandoned
honeysuckle shrub in our neighborhood from several blocks away. You can
smell it from a long distance on the breeze, and can't really tell where
it's coming from. Very beautiful sweet fragrance. Some honeysuckles bloom
several times a year. After flowering, they erupt into clusters of some
really pretty berries for the birds.
My butterfly bushes have a similar vanilla
honey or licorice fragrance. And butterfly bushes bloom for months. It has
a bad reputation for being potentially invasive. I have not seen this
trait in more than two decades of growing all types. Standard height and
the newer dwarfs. I seem to leave the flowers on the spike until there are
no more petals, because they are a butterfly magnet.
I cut the seedheads off mine when i find the time, and i'm passing
As an intentionally lazy gardener, and one who does not want to turn away
a single butterfly from the dinner table, that's usually in late September
in Zone 5, when all flowering slows and stops.
However, i respect differing opinions.
I read an article about the potential invasiveness of the butterfly bush,
and although i dispute it, at least in my intensively-grown small garden,
the advice might be helpful in areas outside of my gadening zones 5-8. I
take good care of the shrubs and i'm training them into single trunk mini
trees. I cut all of the little shoots that might come from the base of the
plants. They can behave very well, and i have never found an errant
seedling. They laugh at a hard pruning, and they bloom prolifically and
reliably.They die down in winter, and take their times growing back in the
late spring. I consider it an essential in any pollinator
When planting, be aware that a butterfly bush has very long, arching
branches (the adult branches on standards can grow to 6 ft. long). I like
the new dwarfs. Their branches grow less than 3 ft. when adult. And that
one branch will give you only one very beautiful long flower on the end of
it. The branch may send out side branches when it's fully grown, and those
will have a flower on the ends of them. Which makes the shrub look full of
flowers. I prune it way back in fall, and again lightly to shape it when
it leafs out. Before the buds begin to develop. You can cut these back to
about a foot tall late fall. It will grow fast in the spring. Sit back and
wait for those butterflies to congregate. I guarantee a big show.
I guess you should use your own good judgment before growing them. If a
neighbor has one, ask how it behaves. Purchase the right type and size for
your area and needs, try the new dwarfs (i have both types) and cut off
the seedheads and any stray shoots from the base as soon as they develop.
My birds take care of a lot of the seeding
issue. Here's
the article i refer to. It's interesting, and I'm sure helpful for
those with limited time to deadhead, or live in an area in which they're
known to create an invasive scenario. I've had more trouble with mint
invasions and have seen invasive wisteria take over most of the south. But
all advice should be considered. Maybe i'm just a lucky gardener.
Autumn clematis. Small,
pretty clusters of little white blooms all over it- its fragrance reminds
me of baby powder
Chinese fringe trees have pretty white blooms that are softly
elderberry shrubs have a sweet and slightly spicy fragrance. The stems and
leaves have a pleasant, earthy aroma.
Look for a place that’s warm and still, to
allow the fragrance to build. A fence or hedge to climb on.
Line a path with lavender. This perennial
is well-suited to all the nearby reflected heat. In fact, lavender thrives
in warm, sunny areas where the soil has excellent drainage.
Grow ground covers with fragrant foliage
between stones. Creeping thyme will spread to form a fragrant mat that you
don’t have to worry about walking on, since walking on it releases the
herb’s aroma.
Whatever plants you choose, plant in a
bloom rotation pattern, so that when one plant is done flowering, another
will begin, until the end of the season. |
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